Mount Saint Michael, Rosscarbery

Board Of Management 2023-24


Mount Saint Michael continues to work closely with its Trustees, CEIST, who maintain close connections with the school. The Board meet approximately 8-12 times a year and it is constituted in line with the Articles of Management for Secondary Schools. It comprises of two representatives of Parents of current students in the school, two staff nominees and two Trustee nominees:

From October 2023

Chairperson: Jim Daly

Secretary: Bart Kerrisk

Staff Nominees: Nicola Brennan & Laura Carolan

Parents Nominees: Helen Gough & Donal Tobin

Trustee Nominees: Denis McSweeney, Jim Daly, Mary Galvin & Jerry O Sullivan

Recording Secretary: Dee Keohane

In accordance with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (Revised 2023) and Tusla Guidance on the preparation of Child Safeguarding Statements, the Board of Management of MOUNT SAINT MICHAEL SECONDARY SCHOOL, ROSSCARBERY, CO. CORK has reviewed and ratified the 2023-24 Child Safeguarding Statement.

The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and the Relevant Person is Bart Kerrisk Principal

The Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP) is Dee Keohane, Deputy Principal.

The financial management of the school is conducted under the JMB/AMCSS Guidelines and is in strict compliance with D.E.S. requirements. The school accounts are externally audited annually for the Board of Management. The accounts are in turn examined by the Finance sub-committee of the Board of Management, which reports at each meeting to the Board. School finances continue to be monitored and continued prudent financial management is required in the future. The Board of Management has been proactive in addressing school expenditure and it has a detailed budget in place annually.

Progress in achieving identified priorities is monitored and reviewed through constant reviewing by the Board of Management at regular meetings, reporting at Board of Management meetings by principal, Board Meeting Agenda – items that may be set by parents, pupils, staff and detailed Planning & Results’ Analysis at subject department level.


PE INSPECTION…. See full report here

Summary of main findings and recommendations:
 The quality of teaching and learning was good in all of the lessons observed with some excellent practice noted.
 Students were well engaged, active and achieved very well in their physical education lessons and the very positive atmosphere was a notable feature of all lessons.
 Subject provision for Physical Education was very good and the subject was well resourced and appropriately timetabled.
 A very good range of activities has been planned as part of the delivery of Physical Education in the school and individual lessons were well planned.
 Overall subject planning was good, with some minor scope for development noted.
 Very good collaborative practice was observed among the physical education teachers
and the use of peer observation of each other’s lessons was particularly commended.

The Department of Education and Skills, DES, conducted a Whole School Evaluation –Management, Leadership and Learning, WSE MLL, in May 2016

The DES inspectors commended the Board of Management, school management team and teaching staff for their excellent work. The inspectors also made a number of recommendations which the Board of management have addressed since the inspection. The report has been published by the DES and the Report is available on the DES website which can be accessed via the school website. The Key findings are outlined as follows:

Key Findings of the Report:

  • The school is truly inclusive, student-centred and caring, with the mission statement and associated Catherine McAuley ethos key to the decision making processes in the school.
  • The board is committed to the school’s mission statement, the development and refurbishment of school facilities, the maintenance of its broad curriculum and its ongoing development as a centre of learning.
  • The school has very strong links with the wider community through all aspects of both its co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and comprehensive TY programme.
  • The parents’ association is very supportive of the school.
  • The quality of school leadership is very good and is forward looking.
  • It is clear that all staff are very committed to the school and to delivering the best possible learning experiences for the students.
  • Leadership is distributed effectively among middle management through the post of responsibility structure.
  • There is a very broad curriculum maintained at both junior and senior cycles.
  • All staff are involved in providing a high level of student care through their respective roles, with an effective and wide range of care structures in place to support student welfare.
  • Overall, the quality of teaching and learning in lessons was good or very good with a number of examples of excellent practice.
  • It is clearly evident that the school has considerable capacity to initiate change and drive school improvement.

See the full Report on….

WSE-MLL Follow-Through Report 2017-18:

Summary of findings
 Very good progress has been made in relation to the health and safety statement.
 Good progress has been made in relation to the issuing of an annual report, the whole school guidance plan, the
size of the core SEN team and the implementation of the recommendation relating to teaching and learning;
some aspects of these recommendations will require further attention for full implementation to be achieved.
 Senior leadership, through plans already in place, demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the full
implementation of the recommendations of the original report.


The Board of Management wishes to express its appreciation to the hard working dedicated and committed staff of Mount Saint Michael led by the management team of Principal Mr Bart Kerrisk and Deputy Principal Ms Dee Keohane. They are supported by the middle management team of year heads, guidance counsellors and SEN, TY, LCA coordinators. It also commends the involvement and work of the Parents Association who have fundraised through the annual school bazaar raising over 8000 euro for school funds. The Parents association have also facilitated and ran the Junior Cycle Book Rental scheme which is of great benefit to families. They have organised guest speakers and are fully supportive and engaged with school life at Mt St Michael.

The Student Council and Cairde Group are actively supporting the school in many ways. and all the students of the school are deserving of special mention for their excellent behaviour, cooperation, and their academic and extra-curricular achievements. The Board is happy that the religious ethos and characteristic spirit of the school is being promoted .

The Board of Management wishes to acknowledge the commitment of the Trustees CEIST to the school. The Board thanks the Trustees for continued support and interest in the school. The Board for its part strives to uphold the Catholic ethos of Mount Saint Michael and to fulfill the Mission Statement of the school.

Please note some dates during the year may be subject to change.
Please peruse fully.
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Mount Saint Michael
Co. Cork

023 884 8114

© 2024 Mount Saint Michael, Rosscarbery