Mount Saint Michael Book Rental Scheme
Mount Saint Michael is delighted to offer a Book Rental scheme for Junior Cycle students to help allay the expense of school books. We are very grateful to our Parents’ Association who run this scheme very effectively. Currently, Book Rental is available from 1st – 3rd year students. Senior books are not on offer at present.
- The scheme is voluntary.
- Lost or damaged books must be replaced.
- A deposit of €20 is payable on behalf of each student joining the scheme.
- Due care and attention must be taken of each book.
- Annual rental: A rental charge of €110 for the first year – which includes the deposit, €80 for the second year, and €60 for the third year will apply. Full payment of rental charge will secure the rental of all relevant subject text books and associated workbooks listed in the book list as and when required throughout the junior cycle.
- Rental charges must be paid on or before induction day for 1st years, and the 15th May for 2nd and 3rd
- The books supplied under the scheme will remain the property of the school and may be subject to inspection at any time by a member of the teaching staff.
- Books supplied under the scheme may be new or second hand at the discretion of the school.
- There can be no writing on the books. No highlighters are to be used. Light pencil and/or postit notes may be used if necessary.
- It is every student’s responsibility to take care of their books and to return them after the Junior Cycle or at the end of a year if applicable.
- If you are interested in this scheme, Please complete & return the form at the back of this page to the Main School Office by May 15th with a deposit of €20. Balance of €90 to be paid by Induction Day in Mid-June.
Mount Saint Michael Book Rental Scheme
Book Rental Costs:
€110 First Year €20 Deposit payable on or before 15th May. €90 payable on or before Induction Day
€ 80 Second Year Payable on or before 15th May before September start
€ 60 Third Year Payable on or before 15th May before September start
1st Years: Completed form to be returned to school with deposit of €20 by 15th May before September start. Balance of €90 to be paid by Induction Day in Mid-June.
I have read and agreed the Terms and Conditions
€20 deposit enclosed
Signed: _________________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Student’s name: ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s name: __________________________________________
Parent’s Address: _________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s contact number: _________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s email: _______________________________________________________________________
Office use only
School year _______________
Books returned in satisfactory condition
Signed: Student: ________________________________________________________________________
Staff Member: ____________________________ Date: ___________________________________