October 2022: PE INSPECTION…. See full report here
Summary of main findings and recommendations:
The quality of teaching and learning was good in all of the lessons observed with some excellent practice noted.
Students were well engaged, active and achieved very well in their physical education lessons and the very positive atmosphere was a notable feature of all lessons.
Subject provision for Physical Education was very good and the subject was well resourced and appropriately timetabled.
A very good range of activities has been planned as part of the delivery of Physical Education in the school and individual lessons were well planned.
Overall subject planning was good, with some minor scope for development noted.
Very good collaborative practice was observed among the physical education teachers
and the use of peer observation of each other’s lessons was particularly commended.
The Department of Education and Skills, DES, conducted a Whole School Evaluation –Management, Leadership and Learning, WSE MLL, in May 2016