Mount Saint Michael, Rosscarbery

Support Structure

Support Services in Mount Saint Michael:

Since student well-being is a priority in our school, we have a number of support structures for all students.

Assessment Day: All incoming first years will be given a short test to help identify and issues of learning. This test does not determine their class groups or entrance into the school but serves as a starting point on students’ abilities and talents.

Buddy: All first years are assigned a ‘buddy’ from a senior class who will mentor the students and be a friendly ear for them.

Class Teacher: All class groups have a class teacher who they will meet regularly during the week. They keep a special eye on the Journals and use it to communicate with parents on any issues.

Guidance Counsellor: The school’s Guidance Counsellor will advise students on subject choice and is also available if students need to talk about an issue that is bothering them. Students may be referred on for further counselling if deemed necessary.

Induction Day: First year students enjoy an Induction Day in mid-June where they meet their class groups, get tours of school, see a Timetable and go through their own roles and responsibilities as second-level students. This allays anxieties before the beginning of the school year in late August.

Internet Safety Group: Students in this group speak to younger classes on the importance of cyber safety an online etiquette.

Parents Association: The school’s Parents Association meet regularly to support the school and each other. It is a very productive group and parents find the support and advice from fellow parents/guardians invaluable. They also run the annual fundraiser and coordinate the Book rental scheme.

Principal & Deputy Principal: Both the principal and Deputy Principal are fully committed to ensuring all students are safe, happy and reach their full potential. You can ring and make an appointment with either if you have any issues of concern.

Special Educational Needs Department (SEN) Mount Saint Michael has a dedicated Special educational Needs department that assists students reach their full potential. They ensure students have any waivers necessary for exams and provide learning support classes to those who require extra help.

Students Council: This gives students an active say in key decisions in the school. To date, the Students’ Council have set up our school canteen and are involved in providing feedback to any new initiatives or changes.

Student Support Team: The school has a Student Support Team who meet weekly and deal with any student issues of concern.

Year Head: all year groups are assigned a Year Head, whom they meet every morning for Roll Call. Here they can bring notes on absences, hear the events for the coming week, and also Journals and uniform are checked. It also gives students an opportunity to raise any issues of concern with the Year Head. Year Heads will do academic monitoring, ensuring all students reach their full potential.


Each student is assigned a Class Teacher. The Class Teachers take a special interest in the progress and welfare of the students in their class. They serve as a link between School Administration, Year Head and Deputy Principal, ensuring the observance of school discipline.

Each Year Group is assigned a Year Head who oversee the welfare of year groups on behalf of the school community. They are intermediaries between Class Teacher and Principal/Deputy Principal and are part of a structure which ensures caring for all students in the year group.

Each first year is assigned a buddy from a Senior class who maintains a constant link with the student and is a great support to them in their school life.


Students and parents will be advised by our guidance counsellor who meet students regularly. The Guidance Counsellor provides the following services:

  • Personal and social development to help pupils on an individual or group basis to explore their own thoughts and feelings about their life situations, about choices open to them in personal, career and education matters and about consequences of each choice.
  • Information: Providing students with objective and factual data. Assessment: Using psychological and other tests to help pupils make their own divisions.
  • Consultation with parents and staff.

The school has a Student Support Team which meet weekly and deal with any issues that may arise.


Mt St Michael has a busy Special Education Support Team who coordinate and allocate leaning support and resources for those with learning challenges. They also provides the following services:
- Assessment of reading / spelling and general ability
- Provision of resource, learning support and assessment for students.
- Reasonable accommodation in examinations as applicable

We also have an active Students’ Council. The student council is a representative structure through which students at Mount St. Michael can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with the school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

Mount St. Michael has an active Parent Teacher Association and the A.G.M of this Association takes place in Autumn term each year. At this meeting Executive Officers and Committee members are elected. The Parent Associations consist of: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee: 2 representatives from each year group in the school.

Mt St Michael has been awarded 6 Green Flags by An Taisce, having implemented the Green Schools Programme successfully. The Green Schools experience has made the school a cleaner, healthier, more pleasant place to work in and has raised awareness in the whole school .

School is open to parents and prospective students 630-930pm.
Please note some dates during the year may be subject to change.
Please peruse fully.
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Our Details
Mount Saint Michael
Co. Cork

023 884 8114

© 2024 Mount Saint Michael, Rosscarbery